Friday, March 9, 2012

February 29 - Critters

Critters is a pretty strange word to us in Aus - but I looked it up and seems it can be anything from farm animals such as cows and goats to crawly little beasties. So I am putting up a couple of images of critters from our farm (they are the inquisitive black Angus boys who seem to hang out in groups of three) and the other is a gorgeous goat at a friend's property, with the sun just catching his yellow eye - giving him a look as though he would gladly butt me, given half a chance...


  1. The background you chose for the goat is really indicative of how the treat a paddock! Totally Denude it!

  2. They are obviously photographers themselves. As we all know, you should look for groups of 3 items, so they are making it easy for us lol

  3. Love how that goat in the top image is posing for you...and what a smile!

  4. The goat smiling at the camera is a favorite.

  5. The 3 cows are so cute, they look as they are posing for a family portrait!

  6. Love the cows in the bottom image and how they are so nicely framed by the weeds!
