Monday, May 21, 2012

May 13 - Gross

Gross - disgusting, awful ... my daughter can't understand my fascination with fungi :) ... although she did say that this jelly fungi (tremella) was 'pretty' until I pointed out that it had lots of tiny slugs living on it ... then it was 'gross' again - sigh - I think it's great!

Not sure if the second image will show the slugs - they are tiny - all the little black bits are tiny slugs. I have seen them on an orange jelly fungi as well, so I can only conclude that it is a habitat for them.

So... building on 'gross' here's a picture of another fungi she hates ... Xylaria, also known as 'dead man's fingers' and for good measure of gross - an inkcap (coprinus), which autodigests itself with enzymes that cause it to liquefy and dissolve...


  1. From one Fun Guy to another Fungi, - FUN Guy!

  2. the jelly fungi is a very pretty gross, the others not so, I've never seen such interesting looking fungi...great shots!

  3. Interesting fungi. I do, however, identify with your daughter . . . gross :)

  4. Fungi are fascinating--and you've provided good evidence of that.

  5. I don't think they are gross at all, even tiny slugs aren't too bad. I especially like the dead man's fingers, if they fruited around her it would be for Halloween. Fun series.
