Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 14 - Groups

Groups of birds - of course!!
These Turkey Buzzards had their wings hung out to dry on a misty summer morning
on the California coast.

Closer to home our group (gang?) of boys in the hen house always had to climb higher than the girls
Showing off? or staying away from the fierce mama chooks?


  1. both photos are wonderful, though those outstretched arms are something else, with the one on the end keeping guard? Those three boys are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, It was the only time I saw the buzzards doing that, though I expect it's probably a common behaviour.

  2. They have quite an impressive wingspan. The backlighting brings out the shape of the feathers and the extensive spread of the wings.

    1. Just lucky with the lighting - for a pretty ugly bird they take nice photos :)

  3. Those buzzards are impressive and you have very good looking roosters, a fine pair of groups.

  4. Iris, lovely photos. I wonder how you managed to capture them at just such a perfect moment!! The first photo is breathtaking - certainly something I would expect to see in a gallery.

    1. Thanks so much - we were driving past and I yelled "stop!!! I need to take a photo" so my ever-patient darling stopped and reversed while I hoped they would stay still - then took a couple of shots while still in the car. The second was easy - walk to the chook shed and snap...

  5. Handsome roosters with the perfect background to show off their bright plummage. Interesting shot of the vultures too. Looks like a choir director.
